ALPA ProStans Hosts Training Event

More than 40 ALPA pilot volunteers from 11 carriers attended Professional Standards training on November 13 in Houston. The event was cosponsored by the Continental and ExpressJet MECs and held at their joint office complex.

Training topics included the basics for MEC ProStans Committee work plus extensive presentations on merger-related issues, a meticulous examination of the ALPA Code of Ethics, and realistic, hands-on case scenarios. Attendees also discussed the demand for confidentiality, neutrality, and unbiased peer-to-peer conflict resolution.

The current syllabus is used for both initial and recurrent training and was designed to be taken on the road to reach a broader range of pilot representatives and to standardize the services available. More sessions are planned for May and November of next year.

Professional Standards support is provided by pilot peers and is a valued service available to all ALPA members. The program mission is to promote professionalism and unity, and ProStans representatives serve as “stewards” of the ALPA Code of Ethics.

Professional Standards is one of five groups under the ALPA Pilot Assistance umbrella. Others include Aeromedical, Canadian Pilot Assistance, Critical Incident Response Program (CIRP), and Human Intervention and Motivation Study (HIMS).